College works from Monday to Friday and on first, third and fifth Saturdays.
Teaching Hours : 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
The periods in the Morning and Afternoon sessions are of 45 minutes duration.
Students are not permitted to enter into the campus after 9.50 a.m. and are not allowed to leave the college before 4.30 p.m.
Students should follow strict timings for the class hours as per the given timetable.
Parents, Guardians and Visitors are strictly not allowed to meet the students during the college working hours.
All requisition letters for Bonafide certificates, Scholarship form, Charitable Trust Scholarship form should be addressed to the Principal through HOD.
The students should obey the Rules and Regulations prescribed by Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore.
All requisition letters for Bonafide certificates, Scholarship form, Charitable Trust Scholarship form should be addressed to the Principal through HOD.
Each and every student will have a Student Counsellor. Students are requested to approach their counsellor for their academic needs.
Parents are requested to feel free and spend their time for discussions with the student Counsellor / Class Advisor / HOD / Principal.
If there is any change in the address, contact number and Email ID, Parents should inform the respective Class Counsellor.
Usage of Mobile Phones, Video gadgets, IPods etc., by the students are strictly banned inside the college campus.
The Hostel students should obey the hostel rules and regulations.
Buses are operated for the convenience of the students and they can board the bus at their nearest boarding point.
The vehicle of the students should be parked in the allotted parking place only.
Under the Central Motor Vehicle Act, wearing helmet has been made compulsory. This rule is implemented inside the college campus and it is to be strictly followed by all the two -wheeler riders and pillion riders.
Conduct and Discipline
The conduct of each student should be satisfactory.
They should be punctual to classes and attend to their work with devotion.
A student cannot leave the classroom at his own will or enter the class as he/she likes
The students should maintain discipline in the campus. In case of any
in-disciplinary actions by a student or misbehaviour in any manner, the Disciplinary Committee
appointed by the Principal will enquire on the report of student's indiscipline and recommend suitable action.
The students should use the facilities available in the campus without
causing any damage. Damage of any kind done to the college property will be viewed seriously. If any damage
is caused, action will be taken to impose punishment and recover the cost. This refers to the maintenance of
college buildings,furniture, equipment, electrical fitting, library books etc.
The students are expected to conduct themselves in a cultured way, to maintain the
high status of this prestigious institution.Students Attendance and Leave all requisition letters for Leave should be
addressed to the HOD through Class Advisor.
All requisition letters for Medical certificates, Special Permissions,
Project Permissions, Industrial Visit Permissions should be addressed to the Principal through HOD.
Attendance shall be calculated on hourly basis i.e., in terms of each lecture period.
Attendance for the Examinations, Tests, Assignments and Classes are compulsory.
Unauthorised absence is not permitted. However, leave letters for one or
two days, with parents signature will be considered. If physical ailment exceeds more than two days, a medical
certificate should accompany the leave application.
Notification given by The Controller Of Examinations, Anna University Of Technology, Chennai for Lack of Attendance / Medical Leave.
75 % and above overall attendance eligible for examination.
65% & above and below 75 % are considered in exceptional cases were the students are away on Medical grounds.
Such (absenteeism on genuine medical grounds) needs to be forwarded to the University as and when occurs and not at the end of the semester.
Condonation fee will be collected for the medical leave already approved by the University, and it will be
forwarded to the University for Regularization and Hall ticket will be issued along with the approval.
Further students who have not registered for examination due to lack of attendance are not eligible to proceed to the next semester.
Dress Code
The students should wear neat and proper dress inside the campus.
Girls can wear either saree or churidhar with dhupatta neatly pinned.
Boys should wear pants and shirts neatly tucked in.
All the students should wear shoes compulsorily.
Jeans, Cargos & T -shirts are not allowed inside the campus during the working hours.
The students should wear the prescribed uniform for laboratory classes.
Every student is provided with an Identity Card. All the students should wear their Identity Card along
with rope inside the college campus for all time.